I love how the forecasters always make a much bigger deal out of everything than it really is. And I fall for it EVERY time!!! They were forecasting this winter storm today - rain, snow, freezing rain, the works. I was so worried about it - I thought running on the trail in ice would be awful, and what if the gym even closed? So I actually went to the gym last night and ran on the dreadmill, even though running at the end of the day makes my stomach upset. I could only make it 6 miles, I felt so nauseous. So it really wasn't that bad this morning. I ended up driving to the gym and running another 6, to try to make up for the crappy run last night. It was freezing raining right when I would have been running outside, but I think it would have been preferable running in that with my friends than slogging away on the tready. Oh well, it's done, and I got 12 miles in.
On that note, our coaches tell us that if you run a distance over 24 hours, it's pretty much the same as running it at once. I don't believe it. While the end of my 6 today did feel a bit more like being at the end of 12 than at the end of 6, it was not nearly the same as running 12 nonstop. I'm no expert, but I'm unconvinced. That said, I think sometimes it's ok to do and it's definitely better than not running.
I need to try to be productive today. I kind of just want to laze around, so it's going to be rough. I think I'll start by washing some dishes and putting away some laundry, and go from there. And shower at some point. I still have 6 miles of gym sweat on me. :) I need to make a few lists and phone calls for the wedding I'm coordinating next month, and maybe cook a little or something. If the crap ever stops falling outside, I'll take the ladies out too. They hate the rain though.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Where is Spring?
11 years ago
We got the snow. Pretty much snowed in! Sucks for those of us without a snowblower! lol
Intersting about running miles over 24 hours.....
Ugh...I know. I was so paranoid b/c I had to teach in UA early this morning, and I was all freaky about whether I'd have to cancel classes, etc....needless to say, I made it there and back just fine! Love that "line" in Central Ohio that we're always right below!! ;) I'm so proud of you for running, Megan.....you inspire me! ;)
I was watching the weather and wondering if you guys were going to get anything terrible. Dave's parents in Michigan got a lot of snow, so I thought it would get to you at some point. The weather map didn't look too promising. I can't believe that ran that that much anyway. I wish I was as motivated as you. Have a relaxing Sunday.
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