Monday, January 12, 2009


I wanted to post this last night, but I was tired and went straight to bed. It snowed while I was out last night, maybe an inch or so. But because it was a Sunday evening, there wasn't a lot of traffic, and the snow was just beautiful. It sparkled like glitter as I drove along, and if I hadn't felt it myself, I might have thought it was fake department store prop snow. It was that kind of pretty snow. And the lack of cars meant that even the streets were still white. I just love the purity of fresh, untouched, glittering snow. It always makes me feel like a kid again, and happy. And no one else was outside, so it was like my own private world. Even the sounds were muted because of the thin layer covering everything. I hate the cold because I'm always freezing but snow like that puts a smile on my face. We're due to get more of it over the next few days, so I hope it's as pretty as this was!

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