Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm moved in!

I'm officially moved in! Almost all of my stuff is here now, and most importantly, so are the dogs! So far, there has been no dog/cat interaction, but one of the cats did venture out from the basement while the dogs were sleeping on the couch. Nothing happened. :) There is SO much unpacking and organizing to do!!!! I could be at this for a week straight. Yikes.

I guess I should get back to it. Have a great weekend!


Melissa said...

Yay! To bad I dont live closer, I have all next week off and could come help you :)

Sarah said...

I am glad you are moved it. I am also happy the doggies and the cats are surviving so far. I am sure they will get used to their new surroundings. Are you unpacked yet? Good luck with everything.